Thursday, February 18, 2010

Secular: So what does that mean?

In "A Slice Of Infinity", the online daily reading presented by RZIM (Ravi Zacharias International Ministries), Ravi Zacharias says:

"The central feature of that outlook assumes that this world—the material world—is all that we have by which and for which to live. Any view of a spiritual essence or of otherworldliness is by definition considered irrelevant or irrational. Secularism, or "saeculum," is implicitly "this worldly." LINK

In other words, secularism states: THIS IS ALL THERE IS. LIVE IT UP (jgr)

So is there more than what meets the eye?

The Bible says, "Eye hath not seen nor ear heard the things that God has prepared for those who love Him; but God has REVEALED THEM TO US by his spirit."

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Come To Jesus (Chris Rice)

To Paul

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Journaling in the bad times AND the good times:
Journaling is acknowledging that life happens. "The rain falls on the just and the unjust." God is good...all the time. Life is all about "repentence"...changing our mind...about life, God, truth, justice, faith, humility and wisdom. "God hath not chosen the wise or the prudent...but the foolish things to confound the wise." Boy, that's not how I would have done it if I were God. But then... :)

What has God taught me about second chances?
I can only say what I have learned about God's limitless grace and mercy, that God is faithful even when we are not, that His ways are HIGHER than our ways and that God uses "dung" to make the flowers grow. (He does, you know.) My life story is in the song: "If there ever were dreams that were lofty and noble, they were my dreams at the start... (check it out "Something Beautiful") I'll finish writing this and send it to you in blog form. Thanks for the question. Thanks for your faithfulness. Don't quit!

Monday, February 15, 2010

It's A Mystery

Monday, February 15:
It's Monday. They roll around every week. But this Monday I'm pondering a mystery. It's the mystery of conflicted souls.