Tuesday, December 18, 2012


The old adage states, "Desperate people do desperate things". What does it mean to be desperate? Webster's Dictionary defines it as "having lost hope". So what is hope? Webster's explanation is as follows, and gives us great insight into the dilemma:

Main Entry: HOPE
Function: noun
Date: before 12th century
1 archaic : trust, reliance
2 a : desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment ; also : expectation of fulfillment or success b : someone or something on which hopes are centered c : something hoped for

Look at the progression that even Webster acknowledges.

1. Trust and reliance are archaic and can no longer be associated with "hope".

Why is this? In a society that promotes a philosophy of "no absolutes" mandates a hopelessness that is staggering. No absolutes? This means that there is nothing and no one in whom you can trust.

2a. Desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment

Desire that is continually unfulfilled breeds the feeling of, "What's the use".


We, as human beings, are endangered by a society that systematically excises hope from every aspect of our lives.

"Hope [lost] deferred makes the heart sick." (Proverbs 13:12)

The article below is very interesting and begins to address the "hopelessness" aspect that I'm talking about. This is coming from Huffington Post reporter, Liz Spikol. She is brave to share her story in the wake of the Connecticut horror.


In her very own words , Liz is describing her 'hopeless' situation. The desperation in the tone of her words is heartbreaking. Yet this is going on as a plague in or society.

Hopelessness IS an illness that permeates mind and body. . To believe that there is "NO HOPE FOR ME" is to check out of this world. This mindset, left unaddressed, will lead to tragedy in one form or another. The most obvious outcome of hopelessness is suicide. Hopelessness plus rage lead to aggression and fatal outcomes.

But if there are no absolutes then there are no answers and the world, corporately, is left to its own devices, whatever those may be. How can you define sanity without absolutes?

Webster defines "sane" this way:

Main Entry: SANE
Pronunciation: \ˈsān\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): san·er; san·est
Etymology: Latin sanus healthy, sane
Date: 1628
1 : proceeding from a SOUND MIND : rational
2 : mentally sound; especially : able to anticipate and appraise the effect of one's actions
3 : healthy in body
SYNONYMS: See "wise"

Once again, the progression here is astounding. What does "sound" mind mean? Webster states:

SOUND: Adjective
"In good condition; not damaged, injured, or diseased"

How can you know that a mind is in good condition, apart from an MRI or some other imaging technique? What is the mind in contrast to the brain? Behavior is one indicator is a damaged mind, but that doesn't necessarily indicate that the brain is diseased.

Add to this the truth that minds are "damaged" in myriad ways. A critical father, a perfectionist mother, a permissive parent unable to establish healthy boundaries, a sibling bully or a inappropriate uncle or neighbor, an insensitive teacher or a manipulative friend.

So what makes a HEALTHY mind?

HOPE is "desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment". This requires a belief system that anchors hope to something or Someone who can fulfill. Someone in whom trust can be absolute.

For some, there is comfort in hopelessness because it is the ONLY absolute they can wrap their mind around. The only person, place or thing on whom they can place their trust is themselves, and ultimately even that trust will fail. That is when there is nothing left to live for. To be hopeless is the have nothing to lose, therefore, no rationale cane alter what follows. There is no rationale in hopelessness.

Faith, HOPE and love.

(To be continued)

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Michael Mendizza is not a Christian writer, nor does he write for those who would dismiss his premise at the outset.  But we fail to hear the thoughts of the thoughtful if we choose to dismiss what may appear to be contradictary to concepts we think we understand.  Hear him out, chew on it then compare it to scripture and see what surfaces.

"Most of what people think is unknown to them.  It is subconscious.  They do not articulate it and often cannot."  (Harry & Christina Beckwith, YOU, INC.)



“To a man who lives unto God nothing is secular, everything is sacred.
He puts on his workday garment and it is a vestment to him.
He sits down to his meal and it is a sacrament.
He goes forth to his labor, and therein exercises the office of the priesthood. 
His breath is incense and his life a sacrifice.
He sleeps on the bosom of God, and lives and moves in the divine presence.
To draw a hard and fast line and say, 
“This is sacred and this is secular,” is, to my mind, diametrically opposed to the teaching of Christ and the spirit of the gospel…
Peter saw a sheet let down from heaven in which were all manner of beasts and four-footed creatures, which he was bidden to kill and eat, 
and when he refused because they were unclean, he was rebuked by a voice from heaven, saying, “What God hath cleansed that call not thou common” [Acts 10:15; 11:9].
The Lord hath cleansed your houses, he has cleansed your bed chambers, your tables… He has made the common pots and pans of your kitchens to be as the bowls before the altar –
if you know what you are and live according to your high calling.
You housemaids, 
you cooks, 
you nurses, 
you ploughmen, 
you housewives, 
you traders, 
you sailors, 
your labor is holy if you serve the Lord Christ in it, 
by living unto Him as you ought to live.
The sacred has absorbed the secular.”

 ~ Charles H. Spurgeon
Sermon “All For Jesus”:

THE STORY OF GOD: by Mike Papa

The story of God in ten minutes.  This short video takes you from Alpha to Omega, the Beginning and the End

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Confucius said: “When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.”

This addresses the "casualties of war-fare". I believe this pretty much sums up the "battle" that we as Christians face in our lifelong war against our own addictions to evil on every front. Waging war against the enemy is challenging at best. May we never forget that this battle is to be won! Surrender is NOT an option!



This thought came to me this morning as I was reading:

"When truth is silenced, hope is betrayed. Ruin is the end of trampled truth."
(Joan Gilbert Rhoden--Nov. 18, 2012)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

GODS RULE: Austin James Sheffield (Age 4)



What makes us smile? What is it that turns our mouth up at the corners and releases serotonin into our system? What is the magic of Pollyanna and her indomitable optimism?

In the Walt Disney movie, POLLYANNA, starring Haley Mills, there is a portion of the movies that deals with the charm and delight of seeing the rainbows that prisons make. It shows the transformation of dower souls into youthful spectators. It changes attitudes and actions. Rainbows are symbols of hope and new beginnings. Watch this clip from the movie:



Having been married to the same man for 43 years, I can tell you from experience that though these principles may seem antiquated, they are vital to a thriving spiritual relationship.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012



Friday, September 28, 2012


More things are affected by our belief system than we may realize.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Just think of how much of the world we could change if we would say the "right" words!

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue."  (Proverbs 18:21)


Friday, September 21, 2012


Shane and Shane: "Be Near"




Tuesday, September 18, 2012


We have all heard o people who see a glass "half full" or "half empty". But when Joni Erickson Tada speaks of seeing life from a positive perspective, there is much more validation to the concept. How can a person who is paralyzed look at life from a glass half full perspective?


Monday, September 17, 2012


Shawn Achor gives an overview of his book "The Happiness Advantage".

"Information is NOT transformation."

I watched this for the first time on 9/17/12.  The information that he gives is PRECISELY what I have shared for decades and now have been sharing with some select individuals.  This is a 12 minute video and it goes VERY FAST.  But it is worth every moment of your time.

Friday, August 31, 2012


If you are a keen observer of mankind, surely you will have come to the conclusion that you can find examples to prove any of the varied stereotypes with which our world is plagued. But long term studies are revealing some interesting findings.


Thursday, August 30, 2012


n 2 Kings 3:16-17 we read “While the harpist was playing, the hand of the LORD came upon Elisha and he said, ‘This is what the LORD says: Make this valley full of ditches. For this is what the LORD says: You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water..."

Shovel anyone?



When looking for help or rescue or a place of sanctuary, the last place you would look would be a war zone. Too often the wounded, seeking safety and refuge get caught in the crossfire of our own misguided doctrinal missiles.
Someone once said, "Christians are the only people on earth who shoot their own wounded".

The following is an example of the kind of division that has substantiated the world's claim that Christians are hate mongers. "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have LOVE, one for another. " (John 13:35) This , of course, is predicated upon the qualification that you are a "Disciple", and indicating that loving one another is the defining characteristic OF a disciple. The truth is that "united we stand, divided we fall".


Wednesday, August 22, 2012


After a lengthy conversation with a friend on this very topic, two days later she forwarded to me this article:



After a lengthy conversation with a friend on this very topic, two days later she forwarded to me this article:


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Challenges come in all shapes and sizes:  Small, Medium, Large and Extra-Large.  Some challenges morph from the tiniest of concerns into seemingly insurmountable obstacles.  Regardless of the size of the challenge, it requires time for processing and reflection.  Ultimately, the outcome of any challenge is truly in God's hands.  The truth is, we have a choice as to how we confront any challenge we face.  We can look at it as an "impossible situation" or we can see it as "God's handiwork" in the vast unknown of His infinite wisdom.  Approaching any situation in the light of God's Divine Wisdom helps to expose the true underpinning of his grace and reveal the ultimate intention of a loving and sovereign God.

Now, please remind me that I said all that when I'm facing a XL challenge!

"Be anxious for nothing,  but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thankgiving, let your requests be made known to God...and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard you hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Friday, May 4, 2012


I'm reading the book "The Marketing of Evil" by David Kupelian. You probably won't find it in your Barnes and Noble. The store in my hometown doesn't carry it NOR can they order it. It's only available on eBooks ($9.99). Now that I'm reading it, I understand "why" they are distancing themselves from the book. IT EXPOSES THE MARKETING SCAM inflicted on the American people and just how effective the scam has been. In addressing the "biology" of a nation gone awry David Kupelian quotes STEVEN LEVENKRON from his book titled, Cutting: Understanding and Overcoming Self-Mutilation:

QUOTE- "Someone who stumbles upon self-injury in this manner and discovers that it relieves one of the painful states listed above will be inclined to use this discovery again in the future. The individual who needs this kind of solution is a person who cannot redress the grievances she has with others, who is afraid to argue, to articulate what she is so angry about. The self-mutilator is ashamed of the mental pain that she experiences and has no language with which to describe it to others.
However they came to it, the self-
mutilator is someone who has found that physical pain can be a cure for emotional pain…. When a person attacks his or her own body with an instrument that will wound the skin, and often worse, it means that the person feels helpless to use any other means to manage the mental anguish and chaos that is borne out of unmanageable feelings."

Here are the painful states he refers to in the first sentence of the quote:

"Yet I consistently encounter two characteristics in all self-mutilators:

1. A feeling of mental disintegration, of inability to think.
2. A rage that can’t be expressed, or even consciously perceived, toward a powerful figure (or figures) in their life, usually a parent.

Thus the Hapless, Helpless and Hopeless daily lives of a humanity bent on self annihilation.

It is a sad state of affairs and , indeed" HOPELESS without intervention. Yet who is to intervene if all of us harbor a RAGE that we cannot express and have lost the ability to THINK!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I Woke up this morning with this song on my mind: "I'm going to have the time of my life when the time of my life is over...I'm going to get carried away, when I get carried away." (Isn't that clever...and AWESOME! :) Listen to this and see if you find yourself smiling. My foot is tapping away. (Sing it, Ivan!) THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


In "The Divine Embrace," a book by Ken Gire, he shares the following quote from The Baal Shem:

"A musician was playing on a very beautiful instrument, and the music so enraptured the people that they were driven to dance ecstatically.  Then a deaf man who knew nothing of music passed by, and seeing the enthusiastic dancing of the people he decided they must be insane."
Gire goes on to say:

"Those enraptured by the music are driven to dance. Those deaf to the music are driven to critique the dance of others."

So... I DANCE!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

FAUST: The Story of "Every Man"

I remember it vividly.  I was young.  It was late at night, or early morning.  I had finally stopped to sit down.  It had been a long day. Two small children require a lot time and energy.  Maybe I was vulnerable.  Maybe I was emotional.  I don't know.  Escaping the reality of my exhaustion, I turned on the small black and white television.  Flipping through the only four channels available, I stumbled upon an intriguing moving picture.  It was an old silent film with captions.   The movie was in progress, but I was hooked before I could casually dismiss it.  The scene was the devil and a man.  The man, Dr. Faust.  It could have been "Any Man".  The battle was between good and evil.  The choice, excruciating.  I was peering into the window of struggle.  In fact, I was witnessing a reality of the human soul.  I was transfixed.  What follows is indelibly etched in my mind.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Be Still...

Is it possible?  Do we even KNOW HOW?   Listen and allow God to speak.
"BE STILL...AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD."  (Psalm 46:10)