Wednesday, April 1, 2015


It will be very interesting to see just how long it will take before the LGBT lobby machine comes to your business, your church or your house to demand some perceived "right" to infringe on YOUR freedom. This gay agenda was never about rights. It's about holding a culture hostage in order to make a new culture that fits their belief system of gay intolerance. We bought it. We didn't want to be discriminatory. We wanted to let people be free to live their lives according to their beliefs, no matter how different those beliefs might be. But what do we get in exchange? We get a giant playground bully who lies in wait at the corner of every Constitutional freedom to harrass even the most tolerant. People of faith desire to exercise their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This new LGBT mob tactic will sooner or later backfire on the very people they pretend to serve because they continue to push, taunt and frustrate the free exercise of differing beliefs. While people of faith seek to speak out for their deeply held values of faith, a gay mass marketing strategy seeks to silence any hint of faith based free speech while labeling "freedom", abhorrent hate. The LGBT agenda is calculatedly designed to render the Bible irrelevant in society. This is the most heinous bigotry of all and must not be allowed, unchallenged. My conscience will not allow me to stand idly by and watch the Bible, a guiding principle and daily tenets for millions across the centuries, to be banned from discourse and legislated as irrelevant. Do not fall prey to the intolerance of a strategy that must deny the Judeo-Christian values within that faith which substantiates our national foundation. We do so at your own peril. This wave of intolerance from a fringe subset of our national identity will not stop at SB 129, #RFRA. They and their "congregations" have proven this again and again. In their tenets, GOD must be silenced in order to allow unfettered license to those who seek to redefine family, faith, freedom and ultimately all of civilization.
April 1, 2015 

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