Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Accountable Person’s Bill of 39 Rights

The Accountable Person’s Bill of 39 Rights

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If you know what we do here at QBQ, Inc., it’s no surprise to you that we think about PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY—a lot.

What does personal accountability mean? How is it manifested in a person’s life? What does practicing it do for us? What is the “why” behind living accountably? How do we make it a core value inside organizations? 

All good questions, along with this one:

If John G. Miller was to make a public ‘declaration of accountability’—what would it look like?

So began the creation of a list—a “bill of rights,” if you will—for me. Not for you. However, as you peruse them, if you believe any are worth incorporating into your life, go right ahead! 

The Accountable Person’s Bill of 39 Rights

  1. I reserve the right to choose my words carefully, taking responsibility for each of them.
  2. I reserve the right to worry less about how others live and more about how I live my life.
  3. I reserve the right to share my opinions without fear my character will be attacked.
  4. I reserve the right to not call people names when they disagree with me.
  5. I reserve the right to not be easily offended.
  6. I reserve the right to not live a life of griping and grievances.
  7. I reserve the right to not rejoice when others stumble.
  8. I reserve the right to remember that my actions always speak louder than my words.
  9. I reserve the right to not hide behind the Internet to lash out at people.
  10. I reserve the right to not start or engage in purposeless arguments on Facebook.
  11. I reserve the right to disagree.
  12. I reserve the right to not scream and yell at those who disagree with me.
  13. I reserve the right to use social media in a positive, uplifting manner.
  14. I reserve the right to say “I don’t know” when I don’t know.
  15. I reserve the right to admit when I am wrong.
  16. I reserve the right to work for all I have and not become entitled.
  17. I reserve the right to change the one person that I can—me.
  18. I reserve the right to not speak of things I know nothing about.
  19. I reserve the right to dismiss Hollywood stars who have decided they’re experts in all matters.
  20. I reserve the right to not put any celebrity—including politicians—on pedestals.
  21. I reserve the right to treat all human beings with respect.
  22. I reserve the right to honor my country by honoring its laws as written.
  23. I reserve the right to believe the U.S.A is the greatest nation on Earth.
  24. I reserve the right to vote for politicians based on their competence, experience, and principles—and no other factors.
  25. I reserve the right to not form an opinion until all facts are known.
  26. I reserve the right to makes decisions based on my values, not expediency.
  27. I reserve the right to be more concerned about my integrity than another’s.
  28. I reserve the right to share my blessings with the needy and not judge those who don’t.
  29. I reserve the right to turn off television shows that are counter to my family’s values.
  30. I reserve the right to ignore all talking heads on all television networks.
  31. I reserve the right to tune out any journalist who goes beyond reporting the news.
  32. I reserve the right to object to teachers using my kid’s classroom to share their politics. (Note to 1st – 12th grade teachers: Please stick to teaching reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic!)
  33. I reserve the right to not get caught up in fads, including the latest “diet” plan.
  34. I reserve the right to think before I speak.
  35. I reserve the right to resist marketer’s pitches for shiny new things and spend less than I earn.
  36. I reserve the right to engage in strong, confident, and loving parenting.
  37. I reserve the right to break from group thinking and reason for myself.
  38. I reserve the right to own my decisions and not blame the lousy ones on someone else.
  39. I reserve the right to take personal accountability for my life and make NO EXCUSES!

And that’s my list. Hope you enjoyed it! Three questions:

Of these 39 “rights,” which are most meaningful to you?

Which one(s) will you put into practice today?

Can you add to our list?

If you are not subscribed, please do so here.

John Miller

John G. Miller is the author of QBQ! The Question Behind the Question, Flipping the Switch: Unleash the Power of Personal Accountability, Outstanding! 47 Ways to Make Your Organization Exceptional and co-author of Parenting the QBQ Way. He is founder of QBQ, Inc., an organizational development firm dedicated to “Helping Organizations Make Personal Accountability a Core Value.” A 1980 graduate of Cornell University, John has been involved in the training and speaking industry since 1986. He lives in Denver, Colorado, with his wife, Karen. The Millers have 7 children and 5 grandchildren. Reach John by email at

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