Wednesday, December 2, 2015


"They taught her life-affirming ways to breathe and nourish her body, as well as gentle movements to stimulate the energy centres in her body."

Watch How Doctors Heal a Tumor in Less Than 3 Minutes Using Meditation

“Mind over body,” is a somewhat overused phrase that seems to have lost its zest; zest-less or not, this phrase still holds very true.

Our bodies are a reflection of our mind, so when we get sick, it is vital that we access our conscious mind for healing, because after all, we are most likely feeling pain or sickness as a result of the thoughts we direct our focus to.

The video below features, Gregg Braden, a man who Deepak Chopra describes as, “a rare blend of scientist, visionary and scholar with the ability to speak to our minds, while touching the wisdom of our hearts.” (For those of you who don’t know who Deepak Chopra is, you must do a google search and find out, his words have been quite helpful on my spiritual journey)

Gregg explains that by applying conscious positive focus on what we want, we have the capability to manifest miracles.

He uses the story featured in the video below as an example. The story is about a woman who sought medical help from a medicine-less hospital in Beijing, after western medical doctors labelled her tumor as “inoperable.” The medicine-less doctors evaluated her by addressing the life-affirming changes she could make to better her life, thus her health. They taught her life-affirming ways to breathe and nourish her body, as well as gentle movements to stimulate the energy centres in her body. Next they performed a procedure that is non existent in western medicine. Three practitioners used energy work to expedite the healing of her bladder cancer. What happened next may be considered impossible by some.

A split-screen ultrasound monitor was used to illustrate the effects of the procedure. The first screen showed a freeze-frame of her tumor, and the second monitor showed real-time activity of the tumor. The three doctors worked with the energy in her body and with the feelings in their body, and then chanted an agreed word intended to reinforce the feeling that her cancer had already been healed; within 3 minutes, the tumor disappeared.

“For me, it was this kind of information that took lost modality of prayer out of the realm of academics and into something that was very real that we can apply in our lives.”-Gregg Braden

You have to see it to believe it.

Sent from my iPhone

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