Friday, January 29, 2016



stop wasting money

I recently got an email from financial guru Dave Ramsey that listed 10 things we as Americans waste money on. While I found it fairly informative, none of it really surprised me. However, it was a good reminder that sometimes the day-to-day “little things” that we hardly even notice can really add up to become BIG money-wasters!

So I set out to find a few more daily money-wasters that we might not even be aware of….and of course I found MORE than a few! I found HUNDREDS! But for the sake of brevity (and my need for some sleep) I will focus on 21.

stop wasting money

Credit card interest

If you’re not paying your credit card balance off in full each month, you’re wasting money on interest. Carrying a $1,000 balance on a card that charges 18% costs nearly $200 every year.

Paying Late Fees and Missing Deadlines

If you miss a credit card payment by even one day, you will pay a late fee of $25 ($35 if it’s the second time in six months.)

Deal websites

I went through a Groupon phase, and wasted a lot of money. I misjudged my motivation to actually go and try that new place across town.

stop wasting money


Most restaurants already have portions so big you need a box to bring home the leftovers. Unless you are absolutely starving, you will fill up on the appetizer and wind up wasting money on an entree that never gets eaten.

ATM fees

It’s not just two bucks here or $3 there. It adds up. Fast.

stop wasting money

Overdraft fees

If you add correctly and make a concerted effort to spend less than you make, you don’t ever have to pay a dime in overdraft fees.

stop wasting money

Expedited shipping

If you do your shopping online, you often can avoid paying for shipping by having your purchases shipped to a retailer’s brick-and-mortar store or by taking advantage of free shipping promotions.

Designer baby clothes

It’s insanity to spend $20 on a onesie that a child will either spit up on or outgrow in 2 seconds.

Forget to return movie rentals on time

Red Box may only be a buck a night, but rent two and leave them behind the sofa, and that can add up quickly.

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Unused Gym Memberships

Unfortunately, when your commitment to work out wanes, the monthly dues don’t stop. Besides, you can run around the block for free.

Unhealthy Habits

Americans burn $44 billion on tobacco and $50 billion on alcohol each year, and that doesn’t begin to take into account the indirect costs related to drinking and smoking. Bottom line: both of these can cost you your health as well as your wealth.

Premium cable packages

Be honest, you don’t watch 90% of the channels that are on.  I know I don’t!

stop wasting money

$5 cups of coffee

If you must get your coffee on the go, stick to a gas station or convenience store to lessen the daily blow to your bank account.

Movie Candy

At the grocery store, you can get a pound of popcorn kernels for around $1. At the movie theater, the large popcorn can cost between $6 and $10. Taking cues from what people responded to (pins, comments, shares, likes, etc.) and doing more of those things. Besides, you can always tuck a candy bar into your pocket.

Not Planning Weekly Meals

Without a plan, you risk wasting money at the grocery store or on fast food.

stop wasting money

Lottery Tickets

Your odds of winning big are somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 in 13 million. With odds like that, the chances of you recouping what you spent on those tickets are slim to none.

Dry Cleaning

Unless the label says “dry clean only,” you can more often than not get away from washing your dress pants, button-up shirts and dresses in cold water. Skip the dryer and hang or lay flat to dry. 


Do you have a large pile of magazines that you’re “going” to read? Cancel them. You’ll never notice they’re gone.

stop wasting money

Bottled Water

It is easy to overlook a small amount spent on bottled water everyday, but it adds up! A 16-ounce bottle of water costs about $1.50. Buy a bottle of water five days a week, and you’ll spend $30 a month and $360 a year.


Speeding and parking illegally is a huge waste of money. Plus, one speeding ticket can raise your insurance rates 10-15%.  Do you REALLY save that much time anyway?

Premium Gasoline

Many drivers assume using a “premium” gasoline will make their car perform better. Not true. You won’t go faster, get better mileage or run cleaner — no matter what the terms “super,” “premium” or “plus” imply.

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Do any of these sound familiar to you?  I know I’m definitely guilty of many of them.  Like I said, this was a good reminder to me of the things I have gotten too relaxed about lately.

How have you stopped your money leaks?

Sent from my iPhone

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