Saturday, April 16, 2016

3 Health Problems Music Can Solve…

3 Health Problems Music Can Solve…

Music and sounds in general are very powerful and influential forces in our lives.

Consider the sounds on a city street…

Birds chirping outside your window…

A crack of thunder in the distance…

These elicit very specific responses and reactions in our bodies.

Let me ask you…

Did the shark in Jaws snap you to the edge of your seat with its now infamous THEME … dun-dun…dun-dun?

Can you still hear the music from the Titanic?

Was Darth Vader more intimidating with the ominous Imperial March playing behind him?

Do you think of Jack and Rose pretending to fly on the bow of the Titanic when you hear the opening to My Heart Will Go On?

Of course the answer is yes…

The soundtrack to a movie is what creates your mood … moves you to feel anxiety, serenity, and even the pain of the characters…

In fact, throughout our entire history, music has had the power to transform us spiritually and physically.

Because as Longfellow pointed out…

Music is the universal language of mankind.

Now we’re discovering what the ancients have known for millennia – music also has the power to heal.

Here’s a glimpse of three problems music has the power to solve…

1. Brain Damage

Every year, approximately 90,000 people will be left with a long-term movement or speech disability as a result of a brain injury.

Researchers have found that music can provide a rhythm or beat for these individuals to walk to despite these impairments.

We’ve also seen that music can help patients sing words when they are unable to speak.

We may not understand exactly how or why this works, but we are starting to learn.

2.  Hearing Loss (Prevention)

A fascinating study that compared hearing in lifelong musicians to non-musicians suggested that exposure to music can help people process sound better and longer throughout life.

One comparison showed that a 70-year-old lifelong musician was able to hear, in a noisy environment, at the same proficiency of a 50-year-old non-musician.

That’s a profound difference.

In this case, music might not be curing any ailments, but it certainly appears to be helping people hear better and longer throughout life.

And all this just from listneing to music over the course of your lifetime…

Imagine being able to enjoy the sounds of nature when you’re older just because you listened to music…

Imagine listening to the laughter of your grandchildren and great grandchildren whereas otherwise you might struggle to hear…

3.  Heart Attack Recovery

Listening to music can mend a broken heart.  No, not love or loss, but we’ve seen tremendous results from heart attack patients and heart surgey patients.

Certain music can help lower blood pressure, slow the heart rate, and even help reduce feelings of anxiety.

Research shows that listening to a more upbeat, joyful song can help with increased circulation and expanded blood vesssels.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  Music is being used more frequently in hospitals to soothe postoperative pain, lower blood pressure, and boost immunity.

The reason for this is because music can balance hormones, boost the release of endorphins, giving you a greater sense of peace … which could lead to faster recovery and give you more profound healing.

If you’d like to learn more about how music can  improve your health, click on the link below:

You’ll learn about 7 special musical tones that have been found to relieve stress and promote healing…

Sent from my iPhone

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