Friday, January 20, 2017

Dennis Miller's Rant on Trump Inauguration Nails Exactly Why President Should Never. Stop. Tweeting.

Dennis Miller's Rant on Trump Inauguration Nails Exactly Why President Should Never. Stop. Tweeting.

Comedian and former radio host Dennis Miller was on the “O'Reilly Factor” to share his observations on the political climate ahead of the Trump Inauguration.

After being asked about the left seeking with all its might to delegitimize the election in the incoming presidency, Miller responded:

He hasn't even had a success yet. If he gets successful, can you imagine how crazy it's gonna get then? If I was Trump, I would use my head, I would continue tweeting, because they're going to tell lies about him ten times a day... and if he has to come in and use Twitter as the Ben Bradley red pencil, and say, “this is wrong, get better information,” I would hope he does it.

Miller continued on about Obama's role in the partisanship:

This country has never been more polarized. Now, Barack Obama is going to move on from this and say, 'wasn't my fault.' Yeah, it was. You seem like a pretty nice guy, but you're leaving a pretty big nasty wake behind you, Mr. President. The country's polarized—and that's on you.

The comedian goes on to give Hilary Clinton kudos for showing up at the Inauguration, then got in some ribbing of the celebrities who refuse to show.

Classic Dennis.

Editor's note: The transcript was corrected after publication.

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