Sunday, August 28, 2016

SAM OLENS: Dangerous status quo shows need for reform of policing

So, where is it that "cultural diversity" converges in the perfect storm scenarios we see being played out all over our nation and our world? If a culture in a community is one of disrespect even to one another, how can that culture meld with a societal demand for respect between human beings, regardless of their rank, role, or station in life? These are my questions. Bias is an integral part of human nature and cannot be eradicated in a diversity training class. Love, which is a very spiritual part of mankind will never be mandated. Love cannot be a "law" or it is no longer love. There are situations in life when it is not only dangerous but irresponsible to make your self vulnerable to a particular person. Determining just "who" that person(s) are is of extreme importance and requires great wisdom and diligence. It may be a member of your own household, a Chinese-American banker, an African American police officer, a Mexican-American politician, an Asian American Doctor, or a Caucasian-American teenager playing basketball on the local team. The immense pressure on humanity to detect danger these days is a growing and frightening problem as more and more life issues seem to be addressed with disrespect and violence. It is a cultural issue, but is is rather an character culture as opposed to a skin color culture. These are the things I would like to discuss as a human being desperately trying to understand why our nation is imploding at a time in our history when there is more diversity and and equal rights than ever before. There will never, on this earth, be "pure equality". There will always be bias. It is the human condition. But that does NOT mean that we are to become robots to laws that can never be legislated. But lessons in the laws of kindness taught to many of us homes and in houses of worship may go a long toward bridging the gap between tolerance and abject hatred. We do not live in a nation or a society that promotes trust of other human being, proven by the horrors we see played out in our homes as well as in our world. Find a body camera that fixes that, and we will be in business.  (JGR)

Dangerous status quo shows need for reform of policing

I recently had the honor of attending a meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House, along with activists, religious leaders, civil rights leaders, police union leaders and chiefs of police, as well as Loretta Lynch, the Attorney General of the United States, and senior members of her staff and the President’s staff. The meeting was to discuss law enforcement and race relations.

The current level of violence and racial tension in our country has made it very clear that we need to reform our system so we can transform our communities into places where all citizens feel safe. Achieving this will require improved and increased police training, ongoing community outreach, and a justice system that demands accountability.

As Attorney General of Georgia, I have close ties to the law enforcement community and I have the utmost respect for the difficult and dangerous job its members do for our communities. My brother was a police officer. When I was Chairman and Commissioner for Cobb County, approximately one-third of our employees were first responders. As Attorney General, I am honored to represent numerous law enforcement agencies, including the GBI and the Georgia Department of Public Safety.

Society has asked our police officers to be our guardians, partners, ministers and mediators, but they are neither equipped nor able to solve all of our social needs. In order for law enforcement to better meet the increased demands of their job, the police force should reflect the demographics of the community, and the hiring of local residents should be encouraged. Our police academies should augment basic training to include sessions on de-escalation and communicating with individuals who may suffer from mental illness. Further, each department must provide wellness programs to assist their officers in dealing with the stress of their jobs. Implicit bias and cultural training should be included in basic training. And we should always be looking for ways to update best practices, revise policies, and review new laws to address the needs of our communities. We must also increase the salaries for our police officers.

Community policing is critical for building empathy and necessary relationships. There should be no place in our country where minorities fear the police. Law enforcement agencies need to participate regularly in community programs with all minority groups. Citizen Police Academies help build that bridge between the public and law enforcement and are also a great platform for recruiting local residents. Law enforcement agencies should also utilize social media to educate the public on what is occurring in their community along with programs to bring the community together.

We need more measures to ensure accountability and justice. Body-worn cameras should be considered for all police departments, wherever budgets will allow for such equipment. When an officer uses deadly force, there must be a mandatory and thorough review of the incident, which should be conducted independently from the agency where the officer was employed.

It is important to acknowledge that our perception of racial bias is naturally limited by our own experiences, necessitating that we truly listen and seek to understand each other so that we can restore trust in our communities. U.S. Senator Tim Scott, an African American Republican, recently discussed having been stopped by police seven times in one year, with a Capitol Hill officer asking him to present his ID even when he was wearing his Congressional pin. “There is absolutely nothing more frustrating, more damaging to your soul,” said Sen. Scott, “than when you know you’re following the rules and being treated like you are not.” He urged people to “recognize that just because you do not feel the pain, the anguish of another, does not mean it does not exist. To ignore their struggles … simply leaves you blind and the American family very vulnerable.” Other anecdotal stories involve African-American officers who are racially profiled when out of uniform.

Adherence to the rule of law is critical to the well-being and security of our nation. It is never acceptable conduct to express discord by threatening, harming or killing a member of our law enforcement community. Instead, we must focus our efforts on improving our criminal justice system. Understanding, trust and mutual respect are essential for a civil society. Better training, outreach and accountability will move us forward. Let’s work together for the safety of our communities, our citizens and our law enforcement professionals.

Sam Olens is Georgia’s Attorney General.

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